New PCB Design - I think this is it...
I thought this was the final version yesterday - but then realised I had the SD Card on upside down!
It’s always worth sleeping on a PCB design. This morning I woke up and thought it would be good to show the SD Card in the 3D view. And discovered that I had the SC Card holder on upside down!
Good job I checked…
I’m pretty pleased with this now. I’m going to let it settle a bit for a few days before sending it off. Need to pull the BOM together and make sure all the components are easily available.
I also managed to route pads to connect the display via the ribbon cable which is quite nice. If that works I may end up dropping the pin headers completely and making the board a bit smaller - but that’s probably for version 3!
I had some spare GPIO pins so I’ve chucked a couple of QWIIK connectors on the back to give some expansion options.
The ribbon cable and header pins are actually using different GPIO so potentially you could use them for other puposes.
We’re probably looking at a month before these actually get manufactured so I’ll probably do some other projects while we wait.